In the enchanting world of aviation, cabin crew members play an extraordinary role in ensuring passenger safety and comfort. Today, we introduce you to Shaheena Alam, a dedicated cabin crew member in India, whose journey is a testament to unwavering determination and a love for aviation.

For Shaheena, every day is an adventure that starts the moment she wakes up. A good night’s rest is essential before any flight. She awakens an hour before her shift, takes the time to freshen up, dons her uniform with impeccable precision, and applies her makeup flawlessly. Her pre-flight rituals include a thorough briefing on the sectors she’s going to operate. Upon reaching her base, she completes all formalities and briefings before heading for the flight. After a day in the sky, she signs out and returns home or checks into a hotel. Her routine includes ordering food, removing makeup diligently, indulging in a skincare regimen, enjoying a meal, and concluding the day with her favorite shows. Hydration remains her constant companion throughout.

Shaheena’s journey into the aviation world was inspired by her passion for the intricacies of aviation and the promise of financial stability. The allure of this dynamic industry drew her in, and she hasn’t looked back since.
Maintaining a healthy work-life balance can be challenging due to the erratic schedules of cabin crew members. Shaheena has learned to adapt her body to the demands of her profession by cultivating a routine that includes proper sleep, exercise, and fluid intake. Above all, she keeps positivity flowing through her veins.

The Indian aviation industry presents unique challenges, including demanding customers, occasional rude behavior from passengers, unpredictable weather changes, and the emotional toll of leaving family behind.
Among Shaheena’s treasured memories is an encounter with an unaccompanied minor passenger. The child, struggling to pronounce her name, sweetly asked if she could call her “mumma.” Their connection throughout the flight was heartwarming and emotional, leaving an indelible mark on both of them.
Handling challenging situations on board can be daunting, especially for newcomers. Shaheena suggests meditation, emotional detachment, and gradual learning through experience as ways to remain calm and composed.
The financial stability that her cabin crew career provides is one of the most rewarding aspects for Shaheena.
Navigating cultural diversity and communication barriers is an essential skill. Shaheena emphasizes empathy, attentive body language, and understanding the cultures of her passengers as effective strategies.

To aspiring cabin crew members, Shaheena recommends thorough research about the airline, focusing on job profiles, English grammar, grooming, positive body language, and effective communication.
She encourages candidates to be genuine, honest, creative, and approachable during interviews. A positive attitude and a warm smile go a long way.
For dealing with the demands of long-haul flights and jet lag, Shaheena’s strategy revolves around proper rest, hydration, and self-care.